
Products Which Helps the ManKind

Most of the Scientific Instruments such as Surgical Operating Microscopes, Spectrophotometer, Bio reactor, Digital weighing Balances also are directly or Indirectly helps to save Mankind.

Microscope : The Science of Microscopy is called Microscopy, There are different Microscopes like AFM - Atomic Force Micoscope, Flouroscence Microscope, Monocular, Binocular and Trinocular and various Microscopes,

Instruments or Equipments : There are various scientific systems which direcly or indirectly helps mankind. Most of them like Digital Balances, Bioreactors, Nuclear Energy, Laboratory appratus, Glasswares Machines which make Medicines and are used in Pharmacy.

Features of Induction Cookers :

1. Simple and Energy Saving.
2. Clean, Compact and Durable
3. Non stop continuous working, Suitable for Home, hotel,
restaurent, fast food corners, tea stall and other commercial
4. Heavy Duty Induction cooker
5. Power : 200 watt to 1800 watt
6. Temperature: 50 to 270 degree Celsius

7. Economical then LPG and other Electric Cooker.
8. Accedent proof, safe to use
9. Extra life .

10. Low cost .

Induction Heaters : The Smokeless Environment Creater :


We are the people who make aware of the fact the Scientific Instruments can only make our life better. We encourage people to go about scientifically. Please Post your Comments So that we can achieve our Goal.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Vision to Save Our Earth


Vision - To make this Earth A Better Place said...

Let All Manufacturer of Scientific Equipments come forward to make a awareness program to save this earth.

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sharada said...

Your blog is awesome. The idea is really something all should thing of. One thing i have observed is the lines which u have used "Science directly or indirectly affects our life" gave me a thought that u r against Scientific discoveries. Every thing else was very innovative.

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